So I have 50kg of stones to sell, and they are ohhh sooo gorgeous... I have spent quite a few minutes sitting, sifting through the buckets... (hours)
I have 21(2?) necklace pouches sewn, ready for the drawstring necklace.
I have 33(4?) Drawstring bags sewn, ready for the drawstrings.
I have 8 Dream pillow fronts drawn, waiting for the backing, stuffing and finishing.
I have 4 wands, ready for attaching crystals and decorating then finishing and another 4 waiting to be sanded back before the same happens to them!
What is next?
That is it for now, I am not sure it is enough...
I need to work out what amount of change I need to take to markets, as a first time I am not sure exactly what to do!
If anyone has any ideas on products and or the change I should take with me, please let me know...
August 31, 2011
August 24, 2011
The incense cone holders... and other info
Well, yesterday I spent the afternoon getting busy with it and making final touches to my ceramic incense cone holders...
Basically take a hunk of clay, roll it flat, cut out shapes, stamp in pattern/symbol, clean them up then let them dry and cook them, at a really high temperature 1100 degrees celcius (? I reserve the right to have that wrong...)
These are them, after a bisque firing...

Add some colour to highlight the symbol...

I will add some more photo's when they are fired for the second time.
After working hard and visiting with my mum (it is her studio space we used) I headed home, to find a parcel awaiting me, thanks for collecting it Hubby!, my new business cards, postcards, and stamp....

Things are well on the way :)
I have another few deliveries expected, one of them is 50kg of mixed tumbled stones that will make their rounds of some of Tasmania's central northern markets in the coming months, with the Hubby and I as their 'keepers' hoping to find them some new homes!
So it continues...
As with the last post, 3 weeks on from then we have just pulled out of another full week of sickness.
Big Kidlet spent last week (all week) sick at her grandmothers, away from her brother and sister, and Hubby spent all week (aside from monday) at home sick... what a joy filled week we had.
The 2 young kidlets both have snot, and lots of it, but are free from other sickness symptoms so far thankfully.
I spent a week at home last week looking after, albeit not spectacularly, my sickie hubby and 2 smalls.
Feeling better on Sunday we ventured out to the Exeter Market, and then on to watch hubby play hockey. It was one of the early games so we had the fortunate opportunity to enjoy the beautiful weather before the cold set in rather than the cold the later games would involve braving!
Always getting closer is the start of spring, the end of a decade worth of marriage ups and downs, the beginning of another decade of marriage, hopefully filled with more ups than the last decades worth. The first of September sees us begin our 11th year of marriage... and to celebrate Hubby is taking the day off work, my sister is looking after the 2 small kidlets, and we are heading off to a part of Tassie we have never been too to soak up nature, then head somewhere for dinner, before collecting the kidlets and heading back home.
The on the 7th we celebrate Boy Kidlet's 4th birthday, amongst other things, September is another big month for us, we have our anniversary, Mother in Law's birthday, Father's Day, Father in Law's birthday, Boy Kidlets birthday, My sister's birthday, my nephew's birthday, then a few other friends and family members have birthday's too!!
Come the 16th of September, I am heading down the coast for the Australian Wiccan Conference, a weekend all to myself, surrounded by like minds in a glorious bush location... I can't wait.
Bring on Spring, where the warriors of these parts clash with the chaos and hope that everything turns into something wonderful....
Things on the business front are moving along... check out here for that update :)
Big Kidlet spent last week (all week) sick at her grandmothers, away from her brother and sister, and Hubby spent all week (aside from monday) at home sick... what a joy filled week we had.
The 2 young kidlets both have snot, and lots of it, but are free from other sickness symptoms so far thankfully.
I spent a week at home last week looking after, albeit not spectacularly, my sickie hubby and 2 smalls.
Feeling better on Sunday we ventured out to the Exeter Market, and then on to watch hubby play hockey. It was one of the early games so we had the fortunate opportunity to enjoy the beautiful weather before the cold set in rather than the cold the later games would involve braving!
Always getting closer is the start of spring, the end of a decade worth of marriage ups and downs, the beginning of another decade of marriage, hopefully filled with more ups than the last decades worth. The first of September sees us begin our 11th year of marriage... and to celebrate Hubby is taking the day off work, my sister is looking after the 2 small kidlets, and we are heading off to a part of Tassie we have never been too to soak up nature, then head somewhere for dinner, before collecting the kidlets and heading back home.
The on the 7th we celebrate Boy Kidlet's 4th birthday, amongst other things, September is another big month for us, we have our anniversary, Mother in Law's birthday, Father's Day, Father in Law's birthday, Boy Kidlets birthday, My sister's birthday, my nephew's birthday, then a few other friends and family members have birthday's too!!
Come the 16th of September, I am heading down the coast for the Australian Wiccan Conference, a weekend all to myself, surrounded by like minds in a glorious bush location... I can't wait.
Bring on Spring, where the warriors of these parts clash with the chaos and hope that everything turns into something wonderful....
Things on the business front are moving along... check out here for that update :)
August 1, 2011
yup that title is about how I feel at the moment.
Big Kidlet has been sick on and off for 2 months, finally after being sick of her missing 2 days of school every week, we went to the GP... now I am not one to go to the GP often, and when my kidlets get sick they always display the same set of symptoms, it doesn't matter if they have a common cold virus or a bacterial infection, it is always the same set of horridly predictable symptoms. Part of the horrid-ness is probably the predictability of it all really!
So we are off to the GP who diagnoses a severe bacterial throat infection.. yeah tonsilitis! So a course of antibiotics was called for and then she was on the mend, went to school, thursday and friday! Went to my sister's for dinner saturday night.
Then it started... Sunday morning was fine, til I started to feel odd, then I sat down and did some sewing because well it sat me down and still wasn't a complete waste... the longer the day went on the worse I was feeling, dizzy, lethargic, just plain bloody awful. Hubby got told he had to stay home from hockey, I just couldn't do that parenting thing on my own feeling like this...
Monday I felt pretty shit still, boy kidlet had a spewing day, Big Kidlet went to school, little kidlet was fine all day, tuesday seemed to be a better day, everyone was pretty good, wednesday was the same, thursday followed... Friday was a day of crap, literally... Big kidlet and I where both down with Gastro... YAY for gastro... followed by Saturday, when the nose started running and the cough began... leading to sunday where I spent all day on the couch, blowing my nose sneezing and coughing... I did however manage to cook dinner, because no matter how sick you are dinner has to be done and we all understand that everyone gets to a point where they just don't want to cook 'tonight', which is where Hubby had gotten after a few days looking after me! He missed work on friday, but I was capable of child rearing albeit from the couch and sneezing so Hockey was a goer on sunday too!
So now we are at monday, I am still sneezing and blocked up and I am coughing probably more... Yay for weeks worth of shit...
A festival day where I really just don't even want to light a candle... let alone do anything worth doing...
I don't want to cook dinner tonight but that probably means getting something that isn't really good for the sickness that has enveloped me or our household!
Big Kidlet has been sick on and off for 2 months, finally after being sick of her missing 2 days of school every week, we went to the GP... now I am not one to go to the GP often, and when my kidlets get sick they always display the same set of symptoms, it doesn't matter if they have a common cold virus or a bacterial infection, it is always the same set of horridly predictable symptoms. Part of the horrid-ness is probably the predictability of it all really!
So we are off to the GP who diagnoses a severe bacterial throat infection.. yeah tonsilitis! So a course of antibiotics was called for and then she was on the mend, went to school, thursday and friday! Went to my sister's for dinner saturday night.
Then it started... Sunday morning was fine, til I started to feel odd, then I sat down and did some sewing because well it sat me down and still wasn't a complete waste... the longer the day went on the worse I was feeling, dizzy, lethargic, just plain bloody awful. Hubby got told he had to stay home from hockey, I just couldn't do that parenting thing on my own feeling like this...
Monday I felt pretty shit still, boy kidlet had a spewing day, Big Kidlet went to school, little kidlet was fine all day, tuesday seemed to be a better day, everyone was pretty good, wednesday was the same, thursday followed... Friday was a day of crap, literally... Big kidlet and I where both down with Gastro... YAY for gastro... followed by Saturday, when the nose started running and the cough began... leading to sunday where I spent all day on the couch, blowing my nose sneezing and coughing... I did however manage to cook dinner, because no matter how sick you are dinner has to be done and we all understand that everyone gets to a point where they just don't want to cook 'tonight', which is where Hubby had gotten after a few days looking after me! He missed work on friday, but I was capable of child rearing albeit from the couch and sneezing so Hockey was a goer on sunday too!
So now we are at monday, I am still sneezing and blocked up and I am coughing probably more... Yay for weeks worth of shit...
A festival day where I really just don't even want to light a candle... let alone do anything worth doing...
I don't want to cook dinner tonight but that probably means getting something that isn't really good for the sickness that has enveloped me or our household!
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