My friday night/saturday child-free was pretty productive, I got some sewing started, then had a phone call from Mum, inviting me to garage sale with her, we hit the nearby sale and found a few things, for me I got a good pair of blundstone gumboots, in fairly good nick, that fit my legs (a seemingly impossible ask) without being too much too long (they are a little, but fit everywhere else) for just $2, then in the mood for the bargain hunt we hit the Beaconsfield Tip Shop, I got a nice little stainless steel milk jug for the kids cooking set, and a stainless steel thin kitchen spatula. We then hit the Legana Salvo's store and I scored a set of 4 bits of crockery, with a hanger to put on the wall (all stainless steel) and 2 cute little retro Tupperware canisters, all in all a rather nice haul! Then we went and did my grocery shopping for monday night.
Coming home a lot later than originally expected, I got back into the sewing and by midnight I wasn't finished. Up at 8 Sunday morning, I showered and got straight back into the sewing and finished a gorgeous (if I do say so myself) long sleeve bamboo fleece shirt and matching pair of polar fleece pants. There is still a pair of pants here that are needing to be finished off to match another top. Both are gifts for some gorgeous little people I know and 1 received his at his birthday party on Sunday, he turned 1 today :). The other is a gift for a lovely little girl who actually turned one far to long ago for that gift to be sitting unfinished on my table. It will be done tomorrow night if not before because she deserves far better than a present this late, the only redeeming factor is that the clothes I have made will most likely still fit her come this time next year <3
Yesterday I spent a lot of the day cooking, I had a great time and watching everything come together quickly and relatively easily.
Overall I was pretty happy with how everything turned out, the Tartare Sauce was nice, but it could have done with a little more lemon juice to add some zing! The cheesecake, the first baked cheesecake I have ever made, was a little over cooked because I just have no idea how to tell if it is cooked! In addition to that the butterscotch sauce that went with it had the wrong Quantities in the recipe but after a quick fix I managed a nice sauce consistency, however not being able to find 'unsalted' butter in the supermarket meant the sauce was a little on the salty side, but combined with the cake and the delicious homemade vanilla ice-cream (without an ice cream maker, mind) It was balanced out quite nicely.
So that was my busy long weekend in a very small post, I forever wonder how people can make such long blog posts about a seemingly small thing, but here is I guess some sign about the way people style and write, maybe even an insight into how they view the world, and maybe one day, something seemingly small and insignificant will grab my attention with such inspiration that I find myself blogging a huge post about that small moment in time.
Now a share, of the most wonderful blog post that left tears in my eyes, from over at Owlet
She is one dedicated and gorgeous mumma to her lovely girls and someone that inspires me to be more relaxed and dedicated to my role as a parent.
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