August 22, 2012

Book Week

It is book week at school this week!
As part of the celebration for book week the school have a 'dress up' day, and parade!

The boy kidlet, chose to dress as Winnie the Pooh, and after a range of drama's, he ended up going as 'Winnie the Pooh, wearing Jeans'

As for the Big kidlet, her day is tomorrow and I am really pushing the boundaries!
I went Thrifting to try and find ANYTHING in Dark Green to make a hooded cloak out of!
I was excited to find a large adult calf length coat, made of 100% WOOL! In the perfect colour for $15! I spent the night last night (and some of today) tearing it apart at the seams, so I can recreate it into the perfect cloak. (Here's hoping)

Small kidlet is wanting to start school already and has to wait another year yet!
She is working hard at making herself heard and known, mostly in ways a lot more violent than I would like. I am trying to go gently and explain why we don't bite, kick, punch, throw things at people!
Oh My is she testing boundaries!

1 comment:

  1. Good luck with all of that biting etc I have 1 doing the same as your youngest and another girl/angel who cops it all from the boy/monster lol. I spend a lot of my day saying loudly (go to your room and stay there until I come in and we can talk with out you screaming !!) cause talking quietly doesn't cut it after 10.30 hahaha
