October 25, 2012

It's Thursday...

and the blogging world (the one I seem to associate with the most) is having an "I {heart} my body" day....

Then over at Kate Says Stuff, Kate is hosting her last "Thankful Thursday"!

Quite frankly I can't bring myself to be loving of my body or Thankful for much of anything...

Well no, not really true! Although I am struggling in every way with just about everything I am meant to do at the moment.
The house is beyond messy,
The dishes are piling up,
The washing (after finally getting about 8 loads folded) is now piling up in the laundry, again!

My husband's Grandmother Passed away on Monday morning, at 94 years old, after about 10 years in a nursing home.  It is one of those things that is going to happen no matter what, and although you can be completely prepared for it and see the life coming to an end before your eyes, it still hits everyone hard.

The funeral is tomorrow, I will be going provide as much support to my hubby as I can.
I am thankful that I have the opportunity to stand by him and be a tower of support when he needs it.
I am thankful he had the chance to see his Nan a week or so before she passed.
I am thankful that his Nan had the chance to meet her Great Grand Children.

I have had 3 weeks without a home internet connection, the issue was resolved last night.

I am thankful the issue was resolved.
I am thankful to have an online community (albeit small) to miss
I am thankful for the blog, that has barely any hits or followers, it is my place to purge.

The only photo of my face that I like!

So in the case of 'body love'

I have been trying to do this operation move thing, this month it is going incredibly badly.  I have had no motivation and the only time I have done any minutes to count are the times when I have had no other choice, such as walking around the supermarket yesterday.

What I love about my body is..
 - the fact that I do not feel obliged to shave/wax and match in with other's expectation of what I should look like.  I have body hair and I am proud of it!
 - I love my stretch marks, they are a natural tattoo that show I am a mother.
 - I love my tattoo, it is a connection that means a lot to me.
 - I love my breasts, they provided life to my children.

Linking up with We Heart Life
and Kate Says Stuff (link up top)

Because shit happens and there is always something to love and be thankful for...

xx Katie

October 8, 2012

Time Flies!

The amount of times I have said here that I would try to blog more regularly, are just wildly overpowering the amount of times I have actually blogged more regularly!

Things seem to get on top of me, but at the same time I seem to be getting NOTHING done!

So as it stands, I was going to take on Blogtober this year... so much for that idea!

I committed to OperationMOVE last month, with a target of 600minutes, I am slightly disappointed to say I didn't make my target!  I got to 420minutes however which was an achievement for someone who barely leaves the house!

So for October I have challenged myself further and joined up with a new outlook and a new target of 900minutes!  I am currently at 270!  Seeing it like that makes me feel like I am on target... and I am, BUT!  What you don't see in this is that these numbers are made up of only a few days effort! I walked around Hobart for about 2 hours on Tuesday getting from our parked car to the car yard to test drive a new car, then to the bank for money and back to the car yard to pay and drive away in our new ride!

'02 Subaru Forester - New to me Car

Then Friday... or was it Thursday... heh, either way! I spent the day Cleaning house and vacuuming... I have allocated 120 minutes of 'move' time for my day of cleaning. 

Today I spent 30 minutes, possibly more, walking through the supermarket, pushing a trolley full of children and groceries.

So now I have written that out I don't seem anywhere near as committed to the exercise as previously implied! Do I?

Please check out what OperationMOVE is all about. HERE

A new challenge for myself, now that we are well into Spring and fast approaching Summer... Drinking more water! I have a 1 litre bottle (just a crappy plastic one) that I am currently aiming to drink at least 1 of per day, over the month I aim to up that to 2 litres a day minimum.
I do not drink enough and have also found my children don't drink enough, so it is time to step up, lead by example, and get drinking!

My 5yo Boy has, finally, at last, woo-fucking-hoo!, decided he no longer needs any nappies! I had argument after argument with him about night nappies and doing #2's in the toilet not the nappy... he held on until bed time or did it first thing in the morning, so as not to use the toilet. 
After falling asleep without a nappy and sharing that moment of panic in the morning because we forgot the nappy, He was DRY... and a couple of nights later he fell asleep without a nappy and we put him into bed without getting him in one... DRY again, and now he uses the toilet all the time, BY CHOICE! WOOHOO

Now to work on the 3yo!

Mr 5 and Miss 3 are also both on another round of anti-biotics, Bronchitis and tonsilitis!

What else it going on? We are getting 3-4 fresh free-range eggs per day from our hens. Unfortunately their new pen is still not complete, and we are no closer to having a single garden bed in our designated 'Garden Zone'.  There are plans for this but well best intentions...

Sometime over the next month some house repairs should start! Over the same time frame I hope to start the process of applying for employment! 

I am currently having a clearance sale on facebook,   Check out the album lots of things at reduced prices.